Friday, August 30, 2013


Waqf is a hotel building which is leased... 
You know if the caliph Utsman bin Affan , one of the best friend of the Prophet who businessmen and rich man , but generous and generous..., turned out to have an account at one bank in Saudi ??? Even accounts and electricity bills are also still in the name of his ...

What about the story that he has to his name in the hotel near the Mosque of Nabawi...?

Narrated in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam ,
the city of Medina had experienced drought to water problems. Because they ( the muhajirin ) have to drink from the water of Zamzam in Mecca . The only remaining source of water is a well owned by a Jew , WELLS RAUMAH name. It was also similar to the well of Zamzam . Muslims and the people of Medina had to be willing to stand in line and buy clean water from the Jews .

Concerned over the condition of his people , the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam then said : "O my friends , anyone of you who donated money to be able to free up the well , and then donate it to the people, you will get the paradise of God Almighty " (HR. Muslim).

Utsman bin Affan Radhiyallahu 'anhu who then immediately move to liberate the Raumah wells. Utsman immediately went to the Jewish owner of the well and the well Raumah bid to buy at high prices. While it is given the highest bid well though Jewish owners continued to refuse to sell it , "If I sell thee well , O Uthman , so I do not have the income can I earn every day " according to the Jewish explain the reason for his refusal .

Utsman bin Affan Radhiyallahu 'anhu who wanted to get a reward in the form of replies Heaven of Allah SWT, the Exalted, doesn't lose the Jewish ways to overcome resistance." What if I buy half of it from any well " Utsman, launched a negotiating stance. "You mean " Jews asked in astonishment." Well, if you agree then we will have this alternate wells. These wells mine one day, back the next day and then the next day is yours to be mine again so changed the next day. How? " Utsman clear .Jewish thinking that too quickly, "...I get big money from 'Utsman without losing the well mine". Finally, the Jews had agreed to accept the offer of 'Utsman and it agreed today Raumah wells are owned by Utsman bin Affan Radhiyallahu 'anhu .

Utsman was immediately announced to the people of Medina who want to take water from the well of Raumah, please take a FREE water for their needs because today is his Raumah wells. As he reminded the people of Madinah take in sufficient quantities of water for 2 days, because tomorrow it no longer belongs to the well Utsman .

The next day found the well of his Jewish buyers deserted, as the people of Medina still has a supply of water in the house. Jews came to Uthman rose and said : "O Utsman buy half again this my well the same price as you bought half of yesterday". Utsman agreed, then bought for 20,000 dirhams , the Raumah well is Utsman fully belong .Then Utsman bin Affan Radhiyallahu 'anhu give waqf of Raumah wells, wells Raumah since it can be utilized by anyone, including the Jewish owners ever.

After the well was waqf for the Muslims...and after some time later, grew around the well was a few palm trees and counting. Then Daulah ottoman to keep growing, well maintained and followed by the Saudi government , making a total of 1550 trees .

Furthermore, the Government, in this case the Saudi Ministry of Agriculture to sell garden produce these dates to markets...half of the profits distributed to orphans and the poor childs...half were saved and stored in the form of a special account owned by him in one of the banks in the name of Utsman bin Affan, under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture ..

So it went on, until the money 's in the bank was enough to buy a piece of land and build a hotel large enough in one convenient place near the Mosque of Nabawi .

The hotel building was already at the stage of completion and will be rented as a 5 star hotel . Estimated turnover of around RS 50 million per year. 
Half for childs orphans and the poor , and the other half remain stored and saved in the bank in the name of Utsman bin Affan Radhiyallahu 'anhu.Subhanallah,...Allah SWT always turns out profitable trade with and nothing to lose...

This is one form of sadaqah jariyah, the reward is always running, even though the person had died long ago...

Mentioned in the hadeeth of Abi Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

 إذا مات  الإنسان انقطع عنه عمله إلا من ثلاثة إلا من صدقة جارية أو علم ينتفع به أو ولد صالح يدعو له 
" If the man dies, cut of all deeds, except in three cases : as perpetual charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous child who prayed ". [ HR . Muslim , Abu Dawud and Nasa'i ]

And others mentioned in the hadeeth of Ibn Majah and Bayhaqi history of Abi Hurayrah , he said : the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said 

.إن مما يلحق المؤمن من عمله وحسناته بعد موته علما علمه ونشره وولدا صالحا تركه ومصحفا ورثه أو مسجدا بناه أو بيتا لابن السبيل بناه أو نهرا أجراه أو صدقة أخرجها من ماله في صحته وحياته يلحقه من بعد موته 
" Verily between a believer and the good deeds that will see him after his death are : knowledge which is taught and deployed , righteous son he left behind , who passed on the mus - haf , mosques were built , the house he built for ibn sabil , river ( water ) that supplies to be to the public , or the charity of the issuance of his wealth at a time when healthy and during his lifetime , all of this will be to see him after he passed away " .

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