Friday, August 30, 2013

How To Become Photogenic?

1) If you are in standing position; don’t stand stiff to the camera, slightly turn to the camera and put all of your weight on one leg. If you are in sitting position; turn your body slightly to one side.

2) Bend a little bit to the camera.

3) Learn to smile. People usually don’t like photos with big smiles of them. Big smiles usually show the gummy in the mouth and let your eyes look smaller.

4) Never look directly into the lens, always look a little bit above the lens.

5) If you smile with holding the tongue behind your teeth, your face won’t look stressed.

6) Blouses with vertical lines and wide pants will show you shorter and more fat. High waistline pants and shirts show you taller and thinner.

7) During the shooting put the abdomen in, shoulders back and hold your back straight.

(Source :

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