Sunday, January 21, 2018

Complaining of Parents

My daughter is now 9 years old and is in the 4th grade of elementary school. I did send him to the basic Islamic school in order to better understand about Islam, not that I did not teach my daughter about noble morals as Muslims. But it would be better if he got a hands on learning in the right people and understand about Islam. So far I am very grateful to the teachers who have taught my children how Muslims should behave and be obliged. Nowadays children will not escape and avoid gadgets and internet. For this one parents are very important role in handling technology today. My friend once shared about a good article like this...

Parenting Complaining

Parents complain girls or children perjaah difficult to get up at dawn.
Whereas in nature, every child since the baby likes to get up in the morning before dawn,
It was his parents who told him to go back to sleep because it was still dark.

Parents complain that girls or children are easily sick and obese because of poor diet.
Though in nature, every child since baby like natural food (natural) without sweeteners etc.
It was his parents who were lazy to cook healthy and introduced him Junk Foood, stuffing packaged food because of poor adult diet.

Parents complain the girl or child perjakanya pretty dirty or not careful on the unclean.
Whereas in nature, every child since baby likes cleanliness, they cry if his clothes are wet affected CHAPTER or pee.
It was his parents who introduced him to pampers and left him lazy to replace him.

Parents complain of girls or children perjakanya males motion or addiction to the game.
Though the nature of each child since the baby is very fond of moving with enthusiasm with a flexible body.
It was his parents who had told him to be silent enough to be "shaleh" and give him a gadget to keep quiet.

Parents complain girls or boys children doubter, slow decision, easy bullied.
And in every child's nature since the baby is very ego centric and confident.
It was her parents who forbade her to choose her own clothes, not giving her the confidence to try even wrong.

Parents complain that girls or children are lazy to pray, should be told to.
Yet in every child's nature since the baby has known her God and like goodness.
It was his parents who compelled him to pray in orderly before the age of seven that his son hated the good of his life. Though God Himself ordered parents to send their children to pray since the age of 7 years.

Parents complain girls or boys lazy to learn.
Though the nature of each child since the baby is a formidable learner, they continue to learn to walk to run despite falling many times and never decided to crawl for life.
It was his parents who rushed him to master things, made learning something annoying and the holiday was the most beautiful day.

Parents complain of girls or children perka confused his talent, no passion for productive activities.
Though the nature of each child since the baby has a unique unique characteristic that will be the role of the best unique civilization.
It was his parents who pinched the nagging child, punished the stubborn child (the leader of the future), forced the quiet boy (thinker and researcher), told the silent child of the visionary, cursed the sensitive and whiny boy (literary) children who are resourceful (innovator) and so on.

etc ...

It turns out that so many complaints when your kids ahead of AqilBaligh even afterwards, because we often feel greater than Allah SWT, feel the nature that Allah SWT install is less so or neglected and ignored or intervened until injury.

If it is already so repent, pray a lot for Allah SWT to restore the nature of our children, apologize to the kids, before it is too late, repeat the process as before kids is still small, re-passion of love to the Divine and so on. Then relax and be optimistic in treating and growing nature of kids.

Salam Civilization Education

:: Ustadz Harry Santosa ::


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