Thursday, January 16, 2014

" Impressive First Night "

I forget exactly when this message into the inbox of my facebook, which I remember is I read after maqrib. So goosebumps reading it. Let me read many and many more find it useful and can make it more vibrant life.

One thing we as a muse...
Tuk contemplate the beauty of the first night
But instead of a full night of earthly pleasure alone
The first night was not entered into the contest Adam And Eve

Precisely the first night of our marriage with the Death
A night that left sobbing relatives
Today 's bride is very spoiled...
Bathing...should be bathed
We are open throughout the body...
There is not a single yarn covered...
There is no shame at all...
The entire body is rubbed and cleaned
Dirt from the nostrils and anus removed
Even holes - holes that too was covered white cotton...
That is the figure we...
That corpse We then

After a bath...
We also applied it pretty white dress
The fabric....very few people wear them...
Due to a very well known brand name called Shroud
We sprinkled fragrances to suit...
The head..., ...body, and feet tied
Stare...gaze. That face... We
Coffin wedding instantly prepared...
The bride biting alone...

Bride in procession around the village neighboring
To the palace as a symbol of immortality origin
We accompanied unsteady steps the whole family
As well as the sentimental companion taulan
Background of gamelan solemn call to prayer and Dhikr sentence
illegitimate of akad readings talkin...
Vice of grave...
The witness is the gravestones... Wherever arrived first
Water spray roses... longing late introduction

And finally.... Came the bride ..
And left alone waiting...
The right of responsibility entire life measures
The first night together LOVER ..
Accompanied by termites and earthworms
At room of lined with ground ..
And when the seven steps to go... Wherever
We also questioned by the Angels right ...
We don't know whether to obtain favors Tomb ...
Or We're gaining Punishment Bury .....
We don't know... And no one knows ....
But strangely upset We never fear .....
Though it favors or punishment we receive
We hesitate at all to tears ...
As if valuables are very expensive ...

And He 's Lover.. to set u to heaven ..
Or throw you to hell ..
We certainly hope to be an expert heaven...
But...but...we had it proper attitude during
For heaven is called as an expert

Read if you have time for Allah SWT.
Read until exhausted
I almost throw this email but I have been given
boon to read all the way to the end .

Ya Allah SWT, when I read this, I thought I
no time for this....
Much more so at a time when working. Then I realized
that this kind of thinking....
In fact, lead to various problems in the world

We try to keep Allah SWT in MOSQUE in the day
Maybe FRIDAY night ?
And when the prayer Magrib ALONE ?
We love Allah SWT in our day hospital...
And there is definitely a time of death...

Nevertheless we do not have time or space
GOD time for work or play ?

We feel that at a time when we are able and reasonable
take care of themselves without relying HIM.
Hopefully Allah SWT forgive me for thought....
That somewhere in there is still a place and time where
Allah SWT is in fact not the most important in my life ( nauzubillah )

We should always be the memory of all who
HE has given us
HE has given everything to us
before we ask

Allah SWT
He is the source and Savior kewujudanku
He who work the second and me every day .
Without it I am useless

Vs. hard . happy
Why is hard to convey the truth ?

Why sleepy in MOSQUE but when finished
Fresh lecture us back ?

Why is easy to dispose of e - mails religion but we are proud mem " forward " email it obscene ?
The most special gift we have ever received
Prayer is the best...No need to pay, but the rewards passable

Notes : Did not funny how easy it is for people NOT TO GOD Faithful afterwards wonder why is this world a hell for them .
Is not it funny when someone says " I'M BELIEVER IN GOD " BUT was always followed Satan . ( who , by the way , also " Believes " in GOD ) .

Is not it funny how you are able to send thousands of emails buffoonery that eventually spread like an uncontrolled fire,
but if you send an email about ISLAM, often people think 10 times

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