Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Ovulation or the release of a mature egg from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes and ready to be fertilized sperm cells, a process which is eagerly awaited by those of you who are crave the presence of the baby. Because, if the sperm cells can fertilize appropriately when there is a mature egg is released ovaries, pregnancy will occur. There are 10 ways that you can use to look for signs of ovulation on the body.

1. Using the formula to calculate the fertile period.

For those of you who have regular menstrual cycles, fertility can be detected using a standard formula, ie, the average ovulation occurs on the 14th day before the first day of the menstrual cycle to come.

2. Note the changes in cervical mucous.

The fertile period, the mucosa will become more clear or muddy, slippery, and chewy like raw egg white. Mucosa is usually left in the underwear. You can observe mucus viscosity by putting on pants in it between the thumb and index finger, then two fingers stretched. In the fertile period, the mucus will not be interrupted when you stretch your fingers wide enough.

3. Abdominal cramps.

Before ovulation, increased levels of hormones in the body. One complaint that ovulation is marked on the uterine muscle cramps, which usually occurs in the middle of the range 2 menstrual cycles. Thus, these cramps occur when you are not having periods.

4. Measure basal body temperature.

Human basal temperature range 36-37 ° C. When ovulation occurs, the body's natural temperature will increase between 0.4 to 1 36-37 ° C. Rise in basal body temperature occurs when the ovaries release a mature egg cells, the influence of the hormone progesterone. Peak fertile period is 2-3 days before the basal body temperature highs.

5. Perform palpation of the cervix.

Use 2 fingers, the index and middle fingers, to know the state of the cervix. Ahead of ovulation, the cervix will feel high, wide open, and wet with mucus. When touched with a finger, the cervix will feel softer than usual. This occurs due to the blood vessels in the cervix, blood filled with more volume. To determine differences in the condition of the mouth during ovulation and ovulation, do palpability several times on different timescales.

6. Emotional changes.

Ahead of ovulation, levels of various reproductive hormones will increase which will affect the emotions. So in your ovulation period will be moody. When the day-to-day in the middle of 2 menstrual cycles, your emotions suddenly volatile, it could be a sign that you are in a fertile period.

7. Breasts are tender.

In preparing the process of pregnancy and birth of a baby who needs milk after birth, the body will naturally prepare the breast to produce milk. Breast preparation will make the breasts feel swollen, sensitive when touched, as well as being softer than usual.

8. Increased sexual desire.

A change in hormone levels that occur when the body prepares eggs to reach maturity, and ready to be released by the ovaries, will create a boost or increase sexual desire. This is natural, as part of the process of pregnancy.

9. Genital lips enlarged.

When ovulation, rising levels of reproductive hormones in the body, it will also affect other reproductive organs. One of them, the blood vessels in the genitals to be filled with blood. It causes the lips and outer lips sex-labia-minora and labia majora to be larger than usual, so it becomes more sensitive.

10. Swollen body and reproductive organs.

Levels of reproductive hormones are rising ahead of the fertile period, also affect your overall body. You will feel like a bloated body, for a variety of reproductive organs is slightly bigger than usual, due to all the blood vessels filled in every organ, so that the entire reproductive organs is being activated. It's all part of the process of preparation for pregnancy.

Immediately track the fertile mother that implantation and pregnancy soon realized ya mother...keep spirit and don't forget to pray for realizing the dream of every woman to be a 'perfect'...

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