Tuesday, September 3, 2013


One scientific fact that we can't cover Surah Ar - Rahman proved that in it God repeatedly explained " So , where else favors of your Lord do you deny? ".

We got an awesome picture, because this photo proves the truth of Surah Ar - Rahman verse 19 and 20 , which reads :"Allah SWT let the two seas meet them later. Between them is that they don't transgress the limits of each . " ( Surah Ar - Rahman :19 - 20 )

Here's the photo, which shows the flow of the two oceans that never mix, as if no bulkhead or wall that separates them.

 Subhanallah, praise be to Allah, the Exalted . It turns sea water don't mix it really exists. I 've often read that paragraph, but still don't know where the hell the sea water never mix it. Another verse tells the same phenomenon found in Surah Al - Furqan verse 53 which reads :"And it is Allah SWT who let the two seas that flow ( side by side ), which is fresh again fresh and the other salty and bitter, and Allah SWT made ​​between the two walls and boundaries that block. "( Surah Al - Furqaan : 53 )

Two oceanic mixed it located in the Strait of Gibraltar, the strait which separates the continent of Africa and Europe , precisely between the countries Morocco and Spain.Current Gibraltar Strait is very large at the bottom. This is due to differences in temperature, salinity, and density of water ( density ) it. Sea water in the Mediterranean Sea ( Mediterranean ) has a density and a higher salt content than sea water in the Atlantic Ocean. By their very nature, the water will move from high density to areas with lower water density. So the current moves in the Strait of Gibraltar to the west, towards the Atlantic Ocean. Then if the water gets mixed with water in the Atlantic Ocean ?

NO ! . Why ? ? Apparently when sea water from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, they don't mix. As if no bulkhead that separates the two types of water. Even the boundary between the two pieces of sea water is very clear. Sea water from the Atlantic Ocean brighter blue. While sea water from the Mediterranean darker. This is the miracle of nature. Not only is it strange of behavior of both the sea water. In fact, sea water from the Mediterranean Sea that doesn't want to mix with sea water from the Atlantic Ocean under sea water infiltrating from the Atlantic Ocean. The water of the Mediterranean is infiltrated under the water of the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 1000 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.

Subhanallah , so beautiful and amazing natural phenomenon created by Allah SWT. Al - Quran has mentioned this phenomenon 15 centuries ago, and told the truly of modern science in the 20th century.

So, you are trying favors of your Lord you deny?Righteous God Almighty...Allah SWT 

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