Monday, April 22, 2013


Writers, Readers, Publishers, Distributors :
behind the royalties, book sales, and self-publishing 
Got a passive income on a periodic basis. Name known. The people who will respect the ideas rolling. Chased publishers. Occasionally displayed media. Accept friend requests every week. There are so followers on twitter. Friends feared if concurrent writes to race. Aaaah, delish!

So a lot of people who say: I want to be a writer! I have a lot of ideas you know. I've made hundreds of pages of story. I wanted to write a love story, horror, detective, adventure, science fiction and more again. Burning passion to see the cover of the book with your name printed on the front cover. Short biography in the back yard last plus size close-up photo with the sweetest smile.

6 months. 1 year. 2 years. Why?The dream faded. Spirit wilt. The stories are still piled up in a notebook or computer file. But the desire to be a writer is to be considered, vanished as quickly as the wind blow drops of water in the dry season.

* Great Vision. Great Mission. *You know Ibnu Khaldun, Ibnu Batuta, Kartini and Dewi Sartika (national woman heroes)?Do you know Steve Jobs? Steven Spielberg?Ever heard of Muhammad al-Fatih, Salahuddin al Ayyubi, Napoleon Bonaparte?

Yup. The people whose names are not recorded in the history of those who have the mission of "average man". Just try it. Just got an allowance. Just got the works. Just got the book. Although the story was originally written mild kind teen-lit, chick-lit, how to guide, not mean ambitions or ideals of the author as simple as that.The people who have the desire that their work will be remembered.Thus, the authors have framed their vision and mission in a large frame and great. 10 years or 20 years from now, my writing will become a reference in the field of writing teens fiction.  

Or reference in areas of interest such as psychology, film reviews, criminal, etc. living guide. Failure who were in year 1, to 2 or even 6 months yet counted as a failure. Because he goes into a great outline, content length book of our lives. The Story of My Life.
So, keep moving!

Because Steve Jobs has a mission to revolutionize the way people all over the Earth berkomuniaksi. Spielberg bored see TV movies are not spectacular. Al Ayyubi reluctant to again hear the Hajj caravan stopped and pulled high tax before entering Jerusalem. Kartini and Dewi Sartika always hate women so marginal creatures.I? You?What our great ideals?

* Long Life Education. Lifelong Learning. *Learning is not a school, yes.Learn the meaning of it is "causing a persistent positive behavior."So if the school 15 years but do not know what the meaning of corruption, meant he never learned hehe....ABC Learning to write letters so adept at using. Learn Indonesian and English in order to know how to use the language in writing and orally. Learn math so know using logic (not just memorize formulas and figures!). Learned in medical school that knows physiology, human anatomy also omniscience greatness of Creation. Doctors that have even more arrogant and don't have an attitude altruist, meaning not learned much.

Believe.The writer who claimed to learn a lot.Learn to be managers: must be able to process pocket money, manage time, manage schedules. Learning a psychologist: motivate yourself, to learn how the brain works, emergent behavior, enriching experience. Learn to be writers: how does the world's literacy? Learn to become entrepreneurs: what the heck was preferred theme? Or if we don't want to go with the flow, how to package it? No need to learn in detail, but at least with the profession, we are poised to learn this and that.There is a chance lectures, come on. There is an opportunity to join a training, come on. There is a chance the author or sharing with other professions, participated. There is a chance read, do.So, set yourself for a lot to learn from everything. No need to learn to be like Einstein or Hawking (though they still need those kind!) But to be instilled in: fail, learn, fail again, learn again, still failed, study harder.

* Pragmatic *Having money royalty sin?Yes,  we're received some reward from the God. In fact, it can be rewarding because it helps the independence, of the royalties set aside infaq, can given a gifts to parents and siblings, can help a friend in trouble. Plus buy needed goods.But if the sole purpose of royalty, this dream quickly became dim.

Because the royalty is paid per 3 month, 4 month, 6-month or even a year there; just felt magnitude when the book sold about 2000 copies. Wait, don't be trigger-happy to hear we sold 2,000 copies of the book, because the book sold but it might be the money in circulation from bookstores and distributors don't go entirely to finance the cash so it could be a royalty publisher who pays ½ or ¼ of total books sold.Talk royalty issue is quite complicated.Starting from the price of the higher needs of the community, the paper prices soaring, making the publisher must be careful issued one book. Books were expensive, about 10% author royalty. As a result, people are very reluctant to buy books, not to mention the love of the world is not too high literacy. As a result, the ideas of the author, written to long once, appreciated very cheap. 

Sob, sadly.

Moreover, there is no absolute standard dictionary to a best-selling book. Whether, if the title using English word? Whether, if the theme of humanity? Whether, if the plot supernatural and fantasy? Is education being so novel resound motivation is in high demand? Each article has the opportunity to be a best seller, sold well in the market or otherwise collapsed. I have books that predicted best seller, it sag in the market. I have books that are usually only mediocre theme...uh, good market response. Many factors follow a published book. 

But, don't worry.

Fortune door not just royalty know! Because Allah SWT open other doors such as: writing short stories / articles in the media more calculated because he had a book, get a scholarship, fill training, seminars etc. filled event. See, a lot of good writers!So, even if minded pragmatist, but do not make the only reason. Although a small royalty, keep on writing. Although the circulation after the 3rd year we were royalty .... a letter of notification: sorry, we can not transfer your royalty as there are less than 50,000; keep on writing.Because it's fun to write. Yey!

And, we don't know in the book fortune He entrusts his best right?

* Self Publishing *Tired of royalty committee? Tired convoluted with the editor, the editor, the publisher? Self publishing ah! Or make your own publishing! Some women writers who have succeeded in the world of publishing is Ms. Asma Nadia and Ms. Afra Afifah.I never tempted for publishing its own. Ah, can't cook their own books to sell 3,000 copies anyway? Too much really! Having said there are many things here related technical start up capital, before I published the book myself, there is the suggestion of a young writer Arif Mohammad Lutfi- "halo, dimana dirimu?" - Java FLP activist who was a year of teaching in Indonesia Teaching program."Sinta, for publishing it not easy you know. Later what could still have time to write? "I salute Ms. Asma and Ms. Afra who can still keep writing while managing publishing; but what could I? New issue # Rinai time, I serve pre-order sales of the books. Wraps, giving the address, sent to JNE. Not to mention that there's claims of readers who asked not to his scar. Hehe, knowing all was done alone.

Perhaps because I was busy college (sooo...busy ;-)). Maybe because I wasn't careful dividing of time. Perhaps because of all the agenda mostly in Friday-Saturday-Sunday so there's hardly a day off. Maybe, maybe, maybe others. But making your own publishing, it takes one thing: teamwork.Not just a writer who can make work. Ms. Asma had good teamwork, Ms. Afra has a reliable team. Because for me, it would be exhausted writing, promotion, filling fro, managing publishing is a business entity with all its dynamics.

Although, I still have aspirations to publish the book himself. Not all the work we could escape the publisher when we love the work. I want to publish books that thin, rapid on among his own friends. Not a spectacular book, just sharing everyday experiences as a mother, community members, wife and writer. May not require publishers to publish all of our work because they have their respective policies. Publishers also have the capital to be developed, have employees that must be considered.Self publishing is one of the interesting dynamics in society writer. They are responsive to the needs of writers who might be tired of a long queue at regular publisher. There are many self-publishing, please look. Creating your own publishing also not difficult as long as the team had a working, solid role-sharing, transparent and accountable funding related issues.

I personally still recommend my friends on two lane authors: self-publishing and regular publisher. Self publishing good to boost motivation, has his own book, although thin and numbered limited. But regular issuer must remain impenetrable, because the regular publishers assembled a team that already had the experience: the editor, editorial, traders, distributors.Regardless of the publisher, still has great vision and mission as a writer.

Source : thank's to mbak Sinta Yudisia, so inspiratif...

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