Thursday, August 30, 2012


The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But not many fish in the waters close to Japan in recent decades. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats increased ore than ever.The farther the fishermen went, the longer it takes to bring the catch to the mainland. If the way home reached a few days, the fish is not fresh anymore. The Japanese do not like the taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea directly.

Freezers allowed fishing boats to go farther and longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. Frozen fish price becomes cheaper. So fishing companies installed fish storage tanks on their boats. The fishermen would catch the fish and stuff it into the tank directly to the huddle each other. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They are exhausted and weak, but still alive. However, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish didn't move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese wanted a lively taste of fresh fish, not a limp fish.

How is the Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? 

How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan?

If you were consulting the fish industry, what would you recommend?Once you reach your goals, such as finding a wonderful mate - starting a successful company - to pay off your debts - or anything else, you can lose your passion. You don't have to work so hard so you relax. You experience the same problem as lottery winners who waste their money, wealthy heirs who never grow up, and bored housewives who are addicted to prescription drugs.

Like the Japanese fish problem, the best solution is simple. It was observed by L. Ron Hubbard in the early 1950s. "Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment"- L. Ron Hubbard.

Benefits of a Challenge:The more intelligent, persistent and competent you are, the more you enjoy a good problem. If measuring fit, and you continue to conquer this challenge, you will be happy. You will think of your challenges and get energized. You are interested in trying new solutions. You win. You are alive!

How Japanese Fish Stay Fresh?

To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tank. But now they put a small shark into each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively. The fish are challenged.

Reflections :

Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into it and conquered. Enjoy the game.If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Failure shouldn't make you tired, on the contrary, set back strategy. Find more determination, knowledge and assistance.If you have reached your goal, plan an even greater purpose. Once you meet your personal or family needs, move onto goals for your group, society, and even human beings.Do not create success and lie in it. You have the resources, expertise, and the ability to make changes.

Put a shark in your tank and see howfar you can really go!

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012


the old songs with new arrangements featuring Momo - Geisha, can be a very nice song ... listen this song made me "merinding" (in Indonesian)...

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Friday, August 10, 2012


You need something, but don't have much time. How to quickly meet the needs that are shopping efficiently. One way is via the Internet or online shopping online shopping / online store.Have an online store is much easier to trade, but it's faster to find a buyer, without requiring you to wait for buyers to come first.Different from the offline store to wait for the buyer and may not be able to market to out of town.The most amazing thing about the Internet is growing very rapidly. Although there are many people who are hesitant to shop online, those who decide to try and like the convenience of fast growing. This is evidenced by the increasing number of online stores that look good on social networking sites and search engines.For the entrepreneur who decides to focus on cyberspace, cyberspace provides an unparalleled opportunity. No matter how small your online store operations, the Internet can be just as exciting as the big stores because of the existence of this type of shop entirely virtual. Customers often prefer the smaller stores because of the perceived closeness to their owners. One thing that is not found to be of great online stores.And for a business entity that has an online store and want to expand, they can reach more customers coverage of national, even international. Are hesitant to buy can browse the product catalog online, a trend that is on the rise due to cumbersome and time-saving and then decided to visit the store in the real world to buy. Actually this step is not an option anymore. Because if not, your competitors are considering and do it.Open an online store not just hire a web developer team, negotiate the amount paid, to discuss the features and then let them do their job. The process requires great attention to every step.For that reason, you should at least understand how it works in general. Some of the areas that must be considered divided into three major categories:
  • Planning. All you need to know, to be considered and decided upon before the start of this project.
  • Develop a marketing strategy. How to launch and develop the virtual store, bring in more visitors and maintain good relationships with customers.
  • Technical aspects. No need to understand the details, but how each component works ... establish a store in cyberspace.
Shop Online - Exploring Opportunities E-CommerceIn recent years, a trend that most stuck out in the country of Indonesia relating to the commercialization of the Internet is the proliferation of online shops. E-commerce seems the country was on the rise. No matter whether you are a student / i, a housewife, solo entrepreneurs, and companies who are looking at alternative revenue sources that shop e-commerce offers the opportunity that is unmatched today.If you are affiliated with over 35 million population of Indonesia is in the up (data 2010), it is no doubt that this trend can not go unnoticed. The number of online stores on social networking site meets the wall / wall you every day. Some of my colleagues was upset by sudden changes occur. What pure interaction among friends to be a never-ending campaign event.

Well, for those who are interested in starting or expanding into the virtual world, of course, there is a long list of questions in mind. How can the right way to get started? Is there an online store to market impact of the business? What do the competitors? How much does it cost? Exactly how the process of a customer making a purchase? Any payment that can be used? Will it be the specter of security issues?That's only a handful of questions that I receive each week. I wrote this guide to answer all the questions above, plus some personal tips from my experience running an online shop. Please enjoy. 
Why Build Online Store?Why not? The most amazing thing about the Internet is growing very rapidly. Although there are many people who are hesitant to shop online, those who decide to try and like the convenience of fast growing. This is evidenced by the increasing number of online stores that look good on social networking sites and search engines.For the entrepreneur who decides to focus on cyberspace, cyberspace provides an unparalleled opportunity. No matter how small your online store operations, the Internet can be just as exciting as the big stores because of the existence of this type of shop entirely virtual. Customers often prefer the smaller stores because of the perceived closeness to their owners. One thing that is not found to be of great online stores.And for a business entity that has an online store and want to expand, they can reach more customers ... in coverage of national, even international. Are hesitant to buy can browse the product catalog online, a trend that is on the rise due to cumbersome and time-saving and then decided to visit the store in the real world to buy. Actually this step is not an option anymore. Because if not, your competitors are considering and do it.

What It Takes To Open Online Shop?Open an online store not just hire a web developer team, negotiate the amount paid, to discuss the features and then let them do their job. The process requires great attention to every step.For that reason, you should at least understand how it works in general. Some of the areas that must be considered divided into three major categories:
  • Planning. All you need to know, to be considered and decided upon before the start of this project.
  • Develop a marketing strategy. How to launch and develop the virtual store, bring in more visitors and maintain good relationships with customers.
  • Technical aspects. No need to understand the details, but how each component works ... establish a store in cyberspace. 
Let's discuss each area in the upper one by one. 
Planning Stage Online StoreInternet is the most rapid and appropriate to seek information, learn from others and manage the resources needed to start a project like this. But this does not mean everything can be done casually. You need a plan that is mature, as well as all types of businesses.

Some questions that need careful consideration listed below one by one.What will sell? Is the media web sites are suitable? Do a little research to find out whether a product can be sold online. Today, even for businesses that need a direct presence, customers expect a website to visit for a variety of information. For example Ancol. Helped visitors with news, promotions, maps and other information. And this is certainly encourage them to visit on weekends.
What do the others? One thing that is different from the virtual world is, you can do research on competitors quietly and without wasting much time and effort. Everything can be done at home. Competitive intelligence can be very useful to differentiate your store from another online business.

This process sometimes takes a relatively long time. For example, you plan to sell beauty products. Instant search on Google will reveal what is being done players in the same market niche. What do they offer? Promotional packages such as what is working? It can not be concluded with 100 percent accuracy rate, but if you monitor the activities of the site for some time, will be self-evident.Successful promotion will be done over and over again, especially if the promotion is done through media advertisements. Other things to be learned is the selection of products, from product positioning, pricing structure and even the questions and issues being faced by your prospects. If they have a forum where the community gathered and discussed, there are many things that can be learned from there.All these activities take time, but the benefits will far exceed the investment of time that you do. Of all the knowledge gained, you can differentiate your business from others online.Who are your customers? Whether they can effectively reach online? Internet penetration is more often the case for a relatively young age group, but it does not mean the products are intended for adult buyers will be quiet. Things you need to know is whether you can reach and sell to your customers with a good group? Is there an economical channel or even free? Of course this all depends on the price of the product and the amount of profit per customer. The larger the value, the higher the ability and varied things you can do to get a customer.If your product is not limited to a specific location, marketing will be much easier. Businesses tied to a specific geographic location should be more careful to avoid wasting time doing promotional costs. For example, through advertising, there must be a way to reach specific audiences in order to achieve targeted audience.Each market segment is also unique in that the marketing and communications must be made specifically for the consumer. Are you able to interact with them through social media like Facebook?What resources do you need? Running an online store requires extra attention. There is a technology that must be integrated. Business and marketing strategies should be planned. Daily operations and administration to be implemented so that everything runs smoothly and has the potential to grow.Selection of appropriate technology for your site is crucial. For example if you sell tangible products, not digital, how to integrate or interface with the inventory by the existing stock? Is the software selected to support the payment and delivery of your choosing? How to design a good site? Do you need professional help for it?What do you do to serve the prospect question? Customer service is one component that can not be ignored. Just because you hire permanent staff to handle this field does not mean all the problems sorted. Training and communication remains important because customer service is an online store image you have, because they directly interact with prospects and customers.How do I send the goods to the customer? There are several options. If your target customers locally, do yourself via courier delivery may be considered. Some online stores that I know to do it. I don't recommend this way because it would increase operating expenses that must be addressed.Delivery services such as TIKI JNE and offer an affordable solution. Some other services offer a more oblique, but the two services mentioned above have the receipts tracking facility which is useful for both the customer and for the store.The breadth and varied geography and transportation infrastructure in Indonesia led to a striking difference to shipping costs. It should be recognized for certain items, these costs alone will weigh some customers. But it does not need to be discouraged. A good product offering will often get a warm welcome and you would never guess a lot of customers who will do anything and pay any, to have a product they like.What type of payment is acceptable? The answer depends. So far all I know online stores that accept payment through Internet banking, ATM, or direct deposit. Some stores decide to accept other forms of payment types such as PayPal, the online payment service via email. PayPal applies internationally and can be associated with credit cards and your bank account. Current credit card processing is still not a common choice for a variety of problems.At least must have BCA and Bank Mandiri account for both the banks are the most desirable consumers. Both banks also offer online transactions are very comfortable without having to go the nearest ATM or bank.

Marketing Strategies Online StoreThere is one thing you should know. Market their products through Facebook seem easy. Registering an account is also free. But here's the less noticed by the owners. They assume because others do, that's the right way.Facebook policy explicitly forbids the registration or account other than a private individual. If you do, your account may be deleted at any time. Tagging photos of the product at random and add people to your list of friends without knowing them personally often end up blocking sanctions. These can all be avoided if you plan a marketing strategy first.

Here are some of the long-term strategy that has been proven in the field:
Search engines (search engines). Competition can be fierce, but every product is different occasions to get a good ranking in search results. Today, due to the large market share and penetration among Internet users, Google is the only search engine that should be given more attention when you are targeting organic search results.Natural way takes time to get the ranking you want. Alternatively, you can buy ads to be displayed at the sponsor-side up and right from the search results, to reach a particular prospect.Search engine strategy is one of the most popular. Why? Because the majority of Internet users use it to find all types of information, including which products they want. The results showed this method ranks first in the list of favorite strategy of micro, small, medium and large.Search engine users are also shown to be open the wallet to purchase products or services. Although it takes time and effort, this strategy is the most crowded because visitors ogled business owners to be found free in nature.If you choose pay channels, Google offer pay per click advertising system, or pay per click. Costs incurred could explode if not careful in their execution. This strategy is recommended only for those who know what they're doing. Usually for those who are experienced and know how much value a customer that they can use this channel effectively. This can also be used to conduct experiments on a product because you can drive traffic quickly.Email marketing. If done correctly, email marketing has great potential. Unlike with the other strategies, email can explore and deepen customer relationships and open communication can only be done gradually. A marketer must have realized the importance of this approach. A customer who has a special relationship with you will be a customer forever.Website as the media is beneficial, but visitors will rarely come back unless they really want what you offer. Even if they return, there is no proactive communication is conducted through the site. There are no controls that convert a prospect into a customer.Publication of the newsletter via email, for example, can help a prospect understand about the benefits of your product. This process doesn't always have to involve an aggressive marketing message, but also tips and helpful information. In this way, which I call content marketing, has proven more effective.My newsletter example, Whisper Success, contains a unique and exclusive content that you can not find on this site. Subscribers receive tips, strategies, and even the tactics they can use to start and grow their online business. Lots of readers then decided to sign up for various classes that I offer as impressed with the quality of free information that I provide.Their minds, "If the free course is so qualified, what I get when attending intensive classroom?"You can also adopt this strategy to differentiate your business from competitors in an most businesses don't wear it. They still use traditional marketing methods, which as you know, has reduced its effectiveness from day to day.Social networking. As said above, Facebook offers a great opportunity because there are tens of millions of people who actively use them. The problem is when you don't want to lose the source of your visitors in real time, making the way that complies with regulations and policies of Facebook. At least look for alternative strategies that you can use for your online business is not threatened because it is dependent on one source of visitors.Facebook Page or a page offering the facility specially designed for corporate profiles, communities, and organizations. Facebook account is only allowed for individuals. With the increasingly widespread abuse, enforcement of the policy will more often be be careful.Some beginners do not understand why Facebook did. The reason is simple. Facebook survival depends on the quality of services provided. If all that is seen by the user who logged only offer the products, sooner or later everything will stay away from Facebook. Surely this is not something to be desired.The second reason is Facebook offers advertising program. You can promote and seek applicants for the Page / Guide you through the ads. With this strategy, earning up to support the operation of their sites are expensive. Moreover, as commercial entities, their goal is profit. 
Technical Aspects of Online StoreStrategy involving the Internet can not avoid technology. The good news, along with the development of technology, all things technical smell has been progressing significantly. That is, even a common people can learn to use the technology without much difficulty.Some technical aspects of building and operating the online store:The selection of hosting and server. This one is a topic that is often discussed, but also often misunderstood. Many beginners who are trying to find a cheap hosting because to them all the same. Not so. Reserved only for hosting personal sites are not important whether it will have problems for many hours in a month.Buy cheap hosting for your site at any time by opening your fancy store with shanties lined paper. No one will respond to you seriously. If your site is slow, often down and troubled, visitors will leave. Each incident will worsen the image, reducing sales and bring in a thorny issue.Quality hosting that does not have to be expensive. Only by 10 to 20 dollars per month you can buy hosting for small and medium quality.Content management software and shopping cart. The right choice will avoid endless frustration. The number of options available is often confusing. And rely on a software house for this important decision is not a wise thing.If you have not been able decision, try to use content management application first. The process should not be difficult from the beginning. When I build an online store first of all, everything is just text and images. Booking is done through SMS and email. This method is fast and you can immediately receive the order. But for the long term, this process is not the most optimal and convenient for customers.An efficient online store consists of a shopping cart / virtual cart that can be used by customers electronically. Order entry and confirmation of payment can be done easily and automatically without your intervention. Of course, the customer support is still required if there are additional questions from prospects before they buy.Attractive site design. Not only interesting, but usable. This means that a visitor should be able to easily use it. This aspect greatly affect the number of visitors who stayed on your site and then buy. Templates and the theme of good design is not flooded with dozens of boxes and pictures. A professional designer will know how to create layouts that display works fine, but as the owner of the shop is you who decide what should and should not be displayed.If you want to save money, it never hurts to choose an existing template. Maybe with a little modification. Design changes can be done at a later date once you get feedback directly or indirectly from the visitors and buyers. In fact, I don't know of any online store that doesn't change the design after ten years.
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