Friday, June 29, 2012


idly browsing the clip was found okay...the song is very pleasant to hear with the titel "Stupid"...the singer it is also awesome...Juniel feat Yong Hwa...check this one^^

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Thursday, June 28, 2012


Almost certain that we can't easily connect with anyone. There are special properties possessed by every human who later becomes weakness of any person, including selfishness. Facing the husband / male and female self-centered that we do not need tricks to be furious. Although we are well aware that the nature of each person is the right of every person as well, but it does not mean that the nature of every person is just playing with the man himself, there must be time for the negative nature of other people can contact with our nature as well. For example, the selfishness of others intersect with our nature that is easily upset.
Negative properties are discussed in this article are selfish. Faced with a selfish husband or wife must face gracefully, because marriage itself is something that is sacred and can't be decided quickly. Inevitably, we must accept that nature and we must be good around us to not get carried away in it's nature or to antipathy toward the nature of it. There is only we should accept and try to awaken our partners.
Word to the wise selfish that I hold so far is: there are selfish men or women everywhere with varying levels of selfishness. Selfish is necessary to fortify ourselves from the downturn and the fall. Namely, there are times where we need to really think about ourselves. Each person is endowed with the mind, so should every person should be thinking of himself to his own prosperity. If we can prosper us, we are encouraged to prosper others. And without waiting for us to prosper too, if we can prosper others, just prosper it, why not?
Selfish in Islam, is a trait that must be balanced. Can't be full selfish, but we should be able to feel the fate of our brothers, too. We should be able to give what we have to others, as a form of charity. In terms of symbols of all, we are advised to convey what we know. Science and treasure that we haven't got us absolutely alone, some only a deposit is given to us by others in the form of zakat.
Finally, facing the husband or selfish men and women should reflect on the moral values ​​contained in the religion. Selfishness is the embryo to become greedy, wealth and his knowledge will be useful only if we and others get the benefit. All simply deposit and nothing is eternal. Selfishness makes us poor and needy charitable gifts. Though wealth and science so that our provision for happiness in the world and the here after.

(Source : inilah bidup bu selasar21) 

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this afternoon (almost time's up of my office hours) suddenly i miss Korean Drama with title "Full House"...ooh 8 years ago...times fly...Bi Rain and Song Hye Kyo...what the great couple ^^

hihihi...never bored watch this drama again, again and over again....

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Every person in this world must expect sobriety and peace of mind, but not necessarily able to make it happen. There are many interesting cases on the subject of which, many people who actually know but it makes its own rules, many people know how but prefer other ways that in fact he knew that it was against, and also many people who know how to reach it but always gain time and perform on his release. That we are .. I just gave back reflections, not blame anybody.

There are a lot of happiness we have enjoyed during our lives, but there are also many things that we should enjoy and be grateful, but we actually forget about it. We just focus on what we have achieved, and what we have we get we just forget about the pleasures of life to pursue further. When the self-satisfaction that we're after, then rest assured peace of mind and peace of mind would be difficult to create in our daily lives. Complacency is not wrong if we're after, but of gratitude for what we have achieved have also instilled in us so that we can rest easy.

How to create tranquility and peace of mind? I think we all know the answer, which is back on the moral values ​​of religion. Religion has been proven to bring the rules that apply throughout the period of life, we need not doubt. Coupled with the eternal human history has been told from generation to generation from generation to generation, it should increase the stability of our hearts to hold fast to our religious values.

One important thing taught in our religion is to do good. Very simple word, but it has a very broad discussion, let alone in this world we know only two traits, both good and bad. If it were not so bad either. We already know most (even all of them I think) a good thing in this world, good things that will make us able to reach the level of sobriety and peace of mind is optimal. In other words, says the key to achieving peace in our lives is to do good. By doing good, then we will avoid personal problems with others, we do not have enemies, but instead have many friends who make our lives more meaningful and happy.

Certainly included in doing good is in our relationship with our Lord. We are beings created by Him to serve and were given tests and trials to determine the extent of the robustness of our faith. By realizing that we are creatures of all things has been outlined and limited by him, of course we will raise awareness for the sole trust in Him. That's peace of mind and peace of mind that actually.

(Source : inilah hidup by selasar21)

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Monday, June 25, 2012

PSYCHOLOGICAL ISLAM (in the perspective of early childhood education)

Albert Einstein said we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used, when we created them...we won't be able to solve the problem that the means we use to solve the problem is the same way over and over again, we must be creative creating a solution to the problem "...Indeed the statement was there in the Koranic verse "That God won't change the fate of a people, if they don't try to change themselves own".

Islamic psychology is a psychology that is based from the Quran and Hadith as well as science in the Islamic tradition that has developed thousands of years. Using the Prophetic paradigm (not transpersonal), because the prophetic meaning towards the one goal that is worthy of our imitation destination (God). Believing in His revelation, the prophets who were sent as well as examples of the prophets, from Adam, Abraham, Moses, to Jesus (Isa) and Muhammad.

A famous inventor of the Quran and the Hadith is the inspiration for the later developed in the current study of contemporary science, in this case is described Psikologi. As described Al Ghazzali (introduction by DR. Laleh Bakhtiar) by including metaphysics, theology, cosmology and natural science as a basic principle of what we feel, do and think, he became a psychology that is more "wholistic", inclusive. The purpose of traditional psychology (Islam, Laleh-red) is to achieve properties of noble character (Ahlakul Karima) in order to overcome the ego that demands our attention in competing with the nature given by God, to go only in one God alone.

In this view, can't/won't be two, so our free will must be trained to yield to the will of Allah (Islam). Focus on Fitrah as opposed to the Ego. In effect the heartfelt prayer of a mother's strength was largely a good faith and as much as possible. Any theory about the child, regardless of current methods of creating a child genius won't be able to be a useful human being without the power of prayer...praying...istiqomah and prayers... Mother.

At the conclusion back to the Al-Quran and Al Hadith is the theory of psychological development that takes all of humanity. As a mother who is given the mandate to care for a child, return to the Quran and the Hadith as a real clue. Undoubtedly the character of children will wake up very well.

By : Mother Professionals Seminar Yogyakarta

(Source : rumahkutumbuh.blogdetik)

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Sunday, June 24, 2012


nice email from Ms. Dini Shanti ... :-)

Did you know?
The facts below I took from the internet, there is also a video, later i will give u the link... 
Changes are always happening, do you know what direction this change?
The critical question is you : ARE YOU READY?

Did you know most demanding jobs in the year 2010, not available in 2004.
Currently, educators prepare students for jobs.
That didn't exist. 
Jobs that may use technologies have not been found that. A person will change jobs 10-14 times before reaching the age of 38 years old 

Did you know someone WHO has a 21 year old for 20.000 hours watching TV, playing video games for 10.000 hours, talking on the phone for 10.000 hours, send / receive email / instant message as many as 250,000. 

Did you know 50% of Americans aged 21 years have created web pages and more than 70% of American children aged 4 years have been using a computer. 

Do you know how much time required to reach 50 million users? 
Radio - 38 years 
TV - 13 years 
Internet - 4 years 
iPod - 3 years 
Facebook - 2 yearsU.S. newspaper circulation fell 7 million copies in the last 25 years. But in the last 5 years, readers of online newspapers, up 30 million readers!

Decrease in the number of advertisers 

Newspapers - 18.7% 
TV - 10.1% 
Radio - 11.7% 
Magazines - 14.8%

Meanwhile, the rise of digital advertisers ... 

Mobile - 18.1%
Internet - 9.2% 

More videos are uploaded to youtube in 2 months, compared with the new American tv acara2 since 1948. 3 America's leading TV stations, that have been there 200 years, has 10 million viewers. 

How many visitors + YouTube + MySpace facebook? 
250 million!and 3 of this website has not been born in 2000. 

Did you know the number of internet tools?
years 1984-1000 
years 1992-1000000
year 2006-600000000
year 2008-1000000000 

You are aware, we are now living in exponential times! 

Commercial form of text messages were first sent in December 1992. Now? number of text messages being sent and received, exceeds the total world population. 

You know, the Internet was first used publicly in early 1995eBay was founded in 1996, eBay Profit in 2006 - $ 6 billionMore than 31milliar search in google every month, whereas in 2006, only 2.7 billion (Before lauch of Google, where are They to find anything?: D) 

Wikipedia was founded in 2001, now over 13 million articles in 200 languages! 

What about MySpace?
If MySpace were a country, it will Become the majority population of country of 5 rank! 

New technical information, doubling every 2 years, this means that half of the lessons learned in the first year of college, they will be outdated when the third year in Occupied college. 

Did you know?
As long as you read this my email Earlier, 
67 babies born in the United
274 babies born in China 
395 babies born in India 
694 000 songs downloaded illegally

Dell company earning $ 3 million from twitter, Obama raised $ 55juta within 29 days of social networks, how do you use social networking situs? Just for to have fun...that's it?hmmm....

Computers that are in the current cell phone a million times less than a thousand times more powerful and a hundred thousand times smaller than the first computer at MIT in 1965. 
So, what used to fit inside a building, is now fit in your pocket!  

What does all this mean? 
Have you ready to face the development of this world? 
Are you ready your business with these technological advances?

I've had it!I have an online business that I can do from anywhere at any time. 

And we are ready to help you if you want .. 

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Friday, June 22, 2012


She was running a bit hesitant to enter the five-star hotel. The security guard standing next to the hotel door catch suspicion on her. But he just looked at it with careful steps toward the woman who then took a seat in the little lounge in the corner.The guard's attention for so long, there is something to be suspected for her. Because the waiter came twice but, she just shook her head. Her desk is empty. No one ordered. Then to what the woman sitting alone. Is there someone who is waiting for? 

Security guards began to think that she wasn't the kind of want on woman who used to look for prey in this hotel. Apparent age of not quite adult. But hardly a child. Around the middle teenage years growing up.After so long, eventually forcing it to approach the security guard's desk and asked her.

"Sorry, ladies...are you expecting someone?"
"No," answered the woman as she turned her face to another place.
"So why you sit here?""Don't be?" She began to look toward the security guards ..
"Excuse me, miss. This place is classy and only intended for people who want to enjoy our services."
"What's u mean, sir?"
"You have to order something to be sitting here"
"I'll be a message after I had the money. But now, let me sit here for something that I will sell", the woman said with a slow voice.
"Sell? Do you sell something here?"The guard's attention to her. 
There seems no goods to be sold. Maybe she is just a salesman who took the brochure.
"Ok. Whatever you are going to sell, this is not the place to sell. We understand."
"I want to sell myself," she said firmly, staring deep into the guard's direction. 
Security guards were stunned, looking to the left and right. 
"Come with me," said the guard was motioning with his hand. 

The woman was caught something cooperative action because there is a bit of a smile on that face guard. Without hesitation she stepped to follow the security guards.In the corridors of the hotel there is a seat for one person only. In some inter-room telephone is available specifically for visitors who wish to contact residents in the hotel room.  
This is where the deal took place. 
"Are you serious?""I'm serious" she answered firmly.
"How much are you asking?"
"As high as high as .. ' '
"Why?" The guard was surprised, looking at her.
"I am still a virgin""Virgin?" 
Now that the guard was really surprised. But his face brightened. Golden opportunity to get extra food these days 
..He thought..."How do I know you're still a virgin?"
"Easy as pie. All men know the difference between where and where not a virgin .. Yeah right ..."
"If it is not proven?"
"Don't pay me ..."
"Well ..." the guard officer sighed. Then glanced to the left and right. 
"I'll help you get a rich guy who wants to buy your virginity." 
"How much is required?"
"As high-high."
"How much?"
"As high-high. I don't know how?" 
"All right. I will offer to guests of this hotel. 
"Wait a minute please." 
The guard was gone from her face. Not long after, the guard came again with a bright face.
"I've got a bidder. He asked for Rp. 5 million. How?"
"Is not there something more?" 
"These are among the highest," The officer tried to convince the security guard.
"I want a higher ..."
"All right. Wait here ..." The officer passed the guard. 
No sooner had the security guards came again with a more radiant face.
"I get a higher price. Rp. 6 million dollars. How?"
"Is not there something more?"
"Miss, this is a very reasonable price for you. Try to imagine, if you are raped by men, you won't get anything. Or if virgins are taken by your boyfriend, you also won't get anything, except a promise. With money Rp. 6 million you will enjoy five-star hotel for a night and the next morning you can forget about everything with a lot of money. And again, you also have done well to I. Because I will get a commission from this transaction of hotel guests. It's fair. We both need ... " 
"I want the highest bid ..." answered the woman, no matter the chatter of the security guards. 
Security guards were silent. But don't lose heart. 
"Well, I will find the other guests. But you better come with me. Please revealed little button your clothes.So that there is something that lure people to buy the currency. 
"Said the guard was a little upset. She wasn't concerned with the suggestion that security guards but still follow the security guards entered the elevator. Hotel room door was open. Of the slanted eyes seem a bit old man smiled at them both.
"This is what I meant, sir. Does the host want her?" The guard said politely.S lant-eyed man looked carefully into the woman's entire body ...
"How much?" Asked the man to woman.
"As high-high" she answered firmly.
"What is the highest price that has been offered one?" Said the man told the security guard.
"Rp .. 6 million, sir" 
"Then I dare at a price of Rp. 7 million for a night.
"The woman was silent.Security guards looked toward her and hope there is good response from her.
"How," asked the man.
"I wish even higher ..." she said. 
Security guards smiled wryly.
"Take away this woman." Said the man told the guard, closing the door loudly.
"Miss, you have made me upset. Do you really want to sell?"
"Then why do you reject the highest price was ..." 
"I'm a higher level ..." 
Guard sighed. As if to hold emotions. He didn't want to lose this opportunity. He tried to keep making her feel comfortable with him.
"Then, you wait in place earlier, yes. I will try to find another bidder.
"In the hotel lobby, security guards were trying to see one by one guy there. Trying to find a regular subscription ordering her through it. For a long time, no one seems to know. However, not far from the front of her was a man who was talking on her cell phone. 
"Didn't I already love you yesterday the money of 25 million Rupiah.Is it not enough? 
"You heard the man speak.The man's face looks sour at once
"Come over here. I wait. I missed you.There have been over a week we're not meet, O dear! 
"Now the security guards knew, that he was talking to a woman. 
Then, he saw, he hung up. There is resentment on his face.  
Calmly, the guard said to man: "Sir, if you need a woman ... Huh
"The man glanced towards the security guards and then turned away.
"There are women who sit there," Officer assign it to the guard towards the woman. 
The guard wasn't losing my mind to take advantage of this opportunity. 
"She was a virgin ..
"The man approached the security guards. 
Their faces were just half a meter. 
"Is it true?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then I was introduced to her ..." 
"With pleasure. But, sir ... She was as tall as the high asking price."
"I don't care ..." He responded affirmatively. 
The man greeted her warmly. 
"This man is ready to pay whatever you ask. Well, now be serious ...." The guard said with exasperation.
"Let's talk in the room alone."  
The man said as he inserted money to guard it. 
The woman followed him to his room.In the room ... 
"Tell what price you ask for?"
"Priced to cure my mother of the disease" 
"What u means?"
"I only want to sell one property and my honor to cure my mother. That's how I thank you ...."
"That's all ..."
"Yes ...!
"He had noticed the woman's face. Seems too young to sell his honor. This woman doesn't sell love. Nor are selling suffering. No! He just wants to appear as a valiant fighter in the center of social life are no longer free. This man realized that before him there was something priceless honor. Excess of the honor of a virgin to a woman. That determination for a sacrifice without any qualms. But go against the tide of the sea where the waves carried him away. There is a submission on an unparalleled confidence. That honor will always be valued and purchased by the honorable as well honorable ways. 
"What's your name?"
"It's not important. List the price you can pay ..." said the woman's
"I can't mention the price. Because you are not something to appeal."
"Well, no deal!"
"There!" Said the man instantly.
"I pay for your courage. That's all I buy from you. Take this money. Amount is more than enough to bring your mother to the hospital. And now go home... "he said, handing him the money from his briefcase.
"I don't understand ..."
"I've always spoiling my mistress. She enjoyed giving my all but he was never thanked. Always squeeze. Once I gave it forever she always asked. But today, I could buy the gratitude of a woman who courageously to sacrifice for their parents. It's an honor to have no value if I can pay ... "
"And, if you sincerely ...?"
"Is it lack of money?"
"More than enough, sir ..." 
"Before you go, may I ask one thing?" 
"Please ..."
"Why are you so brave ..." 
"Who said I was brave. I'm afraid sir ...But more than a week I was trying to find ways to bring my mother to the hospital and all failed. When I took the decision to sell my honor then it's not because the impulse of lust. Nor is my reasoning that 'stupid' ... I just behave and act for a conviction ... "
"Confidence what?"
"If we are willing to sacrifice for the mother or anyone else, then it is God who will maintain our honor ..." She then stepped out of the room. 
Before arriving at the door she said: "So what can you from buying this ..." 
"Consciousness ..."
In a house in the slums. A mother who was lying ill were shocked by his warm embrace.
"You came, girl"
"Yes, mom ..."
"Where have you, girl ... Huh"
"Sell something, mom ..." 
"What are you selling?" Mother's face showed surprise.  
But the young woman just smiled ...Life as a poor orphan again too vain to lamented in the middle of this smug-paced life. In the midst of a situation that had nothing more to free. All of the trade. Buying and selling is the everyday that can't be inevitable. But God always gives unconditionally, without calculation....
"Now is the time the mother to seek treatment ...
"She was carrying his mother from the bed, saying: "God has bought what I sell ...".
Taxi that had been host of the hotel is still faithfully waiting in front of his house. Inclusion into the cab with her carefully and said the taxi driver: 
"Take us to the hospital ..." 


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overhang tantrums are outbursts that occur suddenly, without planning. In children, this is not just to seek attention from adults only. When subjected to tantrums, children tend to vent their anger at all forms. Whether it's crying out loud, yelling, screaming, hitting, biting, pinching, etc..

Normally, tantrums (read: anger) in children occurs only about 30 seconds to 2 minutes. But, if the anger persists to a degree that would harm himself or others, then this could be a very serious thing.

Temper tantrums usually occur in children aged 1-4 years. Although not ruled out the kids are older, even adults have experienced an explosion of anger. And basically, get angry at children aged 1-4 years is normal for their age happens. Most children experience this.

Why be angry? 
Temper tantrums are common triggers for several reasons. Among them are:A. Frustration. Don't think only adults can be frustrating. The children also experienced this. For example, children will be quick to anger when they can't achieve something they really want. In that sense, they failed. Failure triggering frustration and anger that too eventually explode.2. Tired. The kids are exhausted, will become irritable. Intensive activity and less time playing will make children irritable and emotional.3. Parents too curb. Parental attitudes and reining dictate too many children, also can affect the emotions. Children who feel bored with the confinement of his/her parents, will someday reach the peak point of saturation. And a temper tantrum is a form of explosion.

4. The emotional nature of the child. Some children inherit the emotional nature of his/her parents. They tend to be impatient, irritable though because the little things.5. Unfulfilled desire. One of the mistakes that often parents do is they are so easy to persuade the children with the lure. Cried a little, children lured by ice cream or a toy. Well, eventually it will become a habit, and children recognize this pattern. One time, she/he has a desire for something, she/he would cry and rage when desires aren't immediately met by the parents.

How do for the fix this? 
Cope with children who are raging tricky. Full of dilemmas. But, there are a few tips that we can use to solve this problem.A. Find out why. By knowing the causes of children's rage, we can easily determine the steps we should take in dealing with them.2. Stay out of emotion. Usually, parents will be part of it becomes emotional when their child's tantrum. Parents can hit, pinch, and so on. Is it the solution? No. Children won't learn to cope with their anger, but even more evil considers his/her parents.3. Ignore and teach the child to overcome his anger. Don't obey all the things you want on the spot. Be cool and don't care about her/his anger, is actually a very apt way to make them know that anger can't buy wants. Tell him, that only the children who expressed the desire of good in a way that will get it from your desires. Not with tantrums, crying, and even rolled. Assertion and your consistency with this attitude will make practice more discipline.4. Quiet corner. In that sense, rather than confining the child in the bathroom or in the warehouse. No need to play lock or chain. Simply provide a chair that you call a stationary chair. When a tantrum, a child seat there, and she/he shouldn't go anywhere until she/he could calm down. May also ask the child to get into his/her own room and calm down. She/he may exit and return to greet you after she calms down.

Normally, entering the age of 5 years, when children start school and socialize with their peers, they have begun to cope with their emotions. Occasionally may be angry, but, they are more able to resist. Well, if within a period of many years in their school hasn't been able to overcome this problem, this most likely indicates that the troubled kids in his emotions. It may be that, because of learning difficulties or trouble getting along with their environment. And you need to consult an expert to solve this problem. 

(source : 

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